What Is a Restricted Driver’s License in Virginia?

Virginia offers a restricted driver’s license in very specific cases. If you are unsure about whether or not you qualify to receive one, read on and give our skilled Richmond criminal defense attorney a call today. Our legal team is on your side no matter what.

What is a restricted driverโ€™s license in Virginia?

In the state of Virginia, a restricted driverโ€™s license, also known as a hardship license, enables you to drive under certain restrictions formed by a Virginia court. The conditions of a restricted driverโ€™s license can change from case to case, and it is up to a judge to decide what your restricted driverโ€™s license will permit.

It is essential to understand, however, that a restricted license is not promised after acquiring a DUI in Virginia. Again, it is up to the judge to grant you permission to drive under restricted occurrences. With the assistance of an adept attorney, you can improve the odds of attaining a restricted license. Our attorneys are here to help.

What will my restricted license permit me to do?

A restricted driverโ€™s license will only permit you to have specific privileges. With a restricted license, your driving may be secured to the following:

  • To and from work;
  • Only when on official business;
  • To and from school;
  • To and from medical treatment, for yourself or another authorized person;
  • To and from school, daycare, or other child-related activities;
  • To and from an authorized visitation with a child; and/or
  • To and from alcohol education and safety school.

How can I obtain a restricted driverโ€™s license?

If you or another person wants to obtain a restricted license, it is required that the court that has suspended or revoked the driverโ€™s license initially is asked. Oftentimes, motorists will do this right after a judge has suspended or revoked their privilege to drive. Most clerkโ€™s offices require that a person provide evidence to the court that they actually need a restricted license. Restricted license-approved uses can be seen on the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles website. Once a person fills out the required forms, the clerkโ€™s office will generally have a judge review and approve or deny the application. Once approved, the person will then be given a paper version of the restricted license. If a license suspension is set to be longer than 30 days, a person will need to go to the DMV to have a hard plastic copy of their restricted license printed.

Contact Our Firm

Led by Attorney James A. Bullard Jr., we handle various criminal and traffic cases, including reckless driving tickets, DUIs, violent crimes, drug crimes, and so much more.ย Contact James A. Bullard Jr. P.C. todayย to get started on your defense.

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